Germany, 07.08.2002
Malicious Abuse of Name Jesu Christ,CCM,Contemporary christian music,cancer illness,spoil,damnation,folk,country,hymn,gospel,spirit,fm,rock,pop,youth,church,pastor
God warns of Contemporary Christian "Music"!
In 4 years will be great crash of Dollar and illness in all U.S.A. Follows neverseen hunger and epedemies in all States.
"Contemporary Christian Music" (in following named with: CCM ) is malicious denial of all Spirituality and is denial and malicious negation of Existence of God and Jesu Christ and is malicious abuse of The Holy Name! God warns of that with greatest emphazin.
This cancer- ulcerus epedemic of CCM is endtime-cult of New-Athism of endtime in all like-christian world, which began in United States first. CCM and "Catholic Music" is cancerous ulcer-well-behaved sputum of soulless disgusts who earthraveled themselves to Mouth-Prostitution, Mouth-Sex. All them Jesus will give eternal vexations and following damnation, see it in Revelation Chapter Six. Their souls will self by Jesus Christus deleted and damnated in separate atoms in materia, see! But blow you! In Revelation ( see my german links!) Jesus announced eternal damnation all who have abused and soiled with soul-shit His Holy Name !
In Holy Scriptures God have given prophecies, that in endtime are soulless peoples, who are destined for eternal damnation and who no have access to music. They h a t e all what is from time (german: von Dauer ). That is, that these people, hating all what is from duration, hate too time- b a s i c -rhytm (T B R), that is time-throught-rhythm (german: zeit-tragender Rhythmus, zeit-andauernder Rhythmus ). In all Hymnes, in all Country-Music is present the time- basic- rhytm. He is the Living Water in music and must be in Church too! He is the life, what make us One with all universe.
And God wants it with greatest emphazin and He warns of neglect sing and performance Hymnes in all Church!
Only in Cult of disturbation and of Death, in Pop/Rock-Cult no existist this "time-basic-rhytm"! Its a great Mystery, that when you speaks Holy Name out, so when you do not speak him in TBR (Hymnes), so electric powers of Holy Name will delete your Karma and automatically after death you will teared in spoil eternal! Without TTR is it dangerous and letaly to pronounce Name Jesu! So was it witkh Mose, when he received Laws Ten. Only in powerful time-basic-rhytm you can pronounce Name Jesu and live after death. But disgusts wants delete your soul- they abusing Holy Name with epedemic of soul, illness named "Pop/Rock..." without TTR , so in cancer illness ejection of abhorrence named et cetera. Satanic elements will be in circa 4 years after katastroph in all America about like-Christians deleted! All Christians, who make Hymnes in Church, will be saved with her church !
Pastors!, separate and eject all like-christians! God warns you!
Pastors! Separate all these disgusts, who have to do with these malicious abuse of Holy Name, separate these disgusts of your Church-place. when you obey urgebtliest warning of Jesus to eject all these disgusts, who abuse Holy Name , you can overlife coming great katastrophe in all America. Virgin Maria have decided break to leave a terrible punish for all like-Christians! It will attack all Europe soon! It will be the Check of Steadfastness of all priests, whether they have has strenght to separate all vermin and larvaes fron church! I see all these abusers in eternal damnation and painful burning at the body at begin of katastrophe , initiate by Virgin Maria soon. I see all staff of churches in damnation when paricipate on Abuse of Holy Name with mouth-Sex named CCM ! But disgusts of New-atheism, disgusts, who have no feelings for melody and ritm, do not have times-throught-ritm , which is present in all Hymnes and have more greater and greater dimensions in Hightest Music from great Masters as Palestrina, Weckmann, Muffat, Handel, Beethoven, Mozart ...) This , also these TBR(times- b a s i c- rhytmus) is the Living Water, from which God shows in all Holy Scriptures. And this TTR are hated from disgusts and soulless peoples, who in eternal damnation will come!
In endtime now many disgusts in America and all world lives and take camouflage themselves like a Christian to tear in spoil all people what possible is them! Contemporary Christian "Music" (i.e. cancer illness, abortion of disgusts, you know it) is malicious denialof Holy Name of God and Jesu and is malicious denial and negotion of all Spiritually and all life in kosmos. God warns of those disgusts and her cancerly-illness-abortionof CCM ! In revelation and 150 years ago Jesus have given great New- Revelation throught His Prophet Jacob Lorber. His books about all, about evolution of world, kosmos are. Jesus have pronounced end of Catholic Church (and all baptist et.c. churches) and all their priests, when no end in these any churches maliciuos abuse of holy Name with CCM! Jesus will damanteeternal all these people, who have make and make malicious abuse of Holy Name of God. See here in german language and read it, given by Jesus! Abusers of Name of God are disgusts, who no have feeling for beautitude, melody and ritm. They take camouflage themselves like a Christian to tear in spoil all what possible them. They do not have more time, in 4 years greatest crash will be make by freemurians, who have make all world wars and great revolution in America 1860 y.
CCM is malicious abuse of holy Name Of God and all, who make this, God will tear in eternal damnation.Soon will began world crash of Dollar anf will following hunger in all USA! For all rich men too! Hear Hymnes and Country!
God will all delete and vexare in damnation, who make Abuse and abortion of Holy Name with disgust CCM! I see now Michael Talbot and 98% or more of all priets of Catholic church in U.S.A. soon in eternal damnation, self Jesus will they delete, because they make have legalisized malicious Abuse of Holy Name and no have separate all disgusts from his places! All this Jesus have given in His Great Prophecies in Revelation, chapter 3-7. At a time, when materialism take letaly forms, at 1840, Jesus have given New-Revelation throught His prophet Jacob Lorber. He pronounced, that He will give heavilies consequences them for their antichristianily way of live! He will damnate all these soon. You can read Prophecies from Lorber in English. I will recherche it next week. In 4 years valutes of Euro and Dollar will be crash and it will be begin of hunger and illness in all America and Europe. Follows with Third world war, makes by antichristian freemurians. Learn German and read these revelations in Osirisbuch!
07.08.2002F R C Laudetur Jesus Christus